The Fire Emblem Trading Card Game is quite different from many other TCGs. This page outlines a sample match.
In order to play the Fire Emblem TCG, you will need the following:
- 2 decks of 30 – 60 cards
- 2 sets of 20 chips
- A friend
You may also want to use a play mat, although it isn't strictly necessary.
The players will use the following cards over the course of the match:
◆ Green
◆ Blue
Game Start
The two players decide to flip a coin to determine who goes first.
Green wins the coin flip, and so gameplay will begin on his turn.
Turn 1: Green
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
At the beginning of each turn, the player moves any chips in the Used Chip pile into the Unused Chip pile.
Since there is nothing in the Used Chip pile, nothing happens. -
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand. This step can not be skipped.
Victory Condition: An Empty Deck
If, after drawing a card, a player's deck is empty, then the game is over and that player has lost.
Unit Step
The player may sortie 1 unit onto the field.
Green spends 5 unused chips to sortie Seliph onto space A–2.
(Energy: 5, Unused: 15, Used: 0)Placing Units
If there are empty spaces in the Home Row and you have chips, then you can sortie a unit into any unoccupied space in the Home Row.
The chips spent on sortieing a unit are converted into that unit's Energy. Units spend Energy is spent to perform most actions. A unit can be sortied with any amount of chips, but the amount spent cannot exceed the Energy listed on the unit's card. However, at least one chip must be spent in order to sortie a unit.
Support Step
During the Support Step, units may replenish some Energy.
Since Seliph is already at his maximum Energy, he cannot replenish any.The Support Step
Up to 3 chips may be moved from the Unused Chip pile to units during the Support Step. These units must not be at maximum Energy. The chips do not all have to go to one unit: they can be spread across as many or as few units as you like.
Land Step
The player may place 1 land card onto the field.
Green decides not to play any land cards.The Land Step
Land cards can be placed on any space between the player's farthest advanced unit and the Home Row. A player can not place a land card on top of an enemy unit or on top of a land card that was placed by the opponent.
Item Step
The player may equip any sortied units with a weapon, a tome, or an item card from the player's hand. The player may also remove any equipped items, weapons, or tomes.
Green decides not to equip anything.
This ends Green's National Power Phase. Gameplay now proceeds to Blue's National Power Phase.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
Since there is nothing in the Used Chip pile, nothing happens.
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue spends 5 unused chips to sortie Eldigan onto space D–2.
(Energy: 5, Unused: 15, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Since Eldigan is already at his maximum Energy, he cannot replenish any.
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue decides not to equip anything.
This ends Blue's National Power Phase. Gameplay now proceeds to Green's Invasion Phase.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
At the beginning of each Invasion Phase, all units are returned from Standby Mode to Action Mode (except for any units affected by status effects).
Since Seliph is not in Standby Mode, nothing happens.Standby and Action Mode
A unit in Action Mode is able to perform an action, and is placed vertically as a visual aid. A unit in Standby Mode is unable to act, and is placed horizontally.
Invasion: Seliph
The Movement & Action Steps
The Movement Step and the Action Step are performed for each unit in order. You cannot move Unit A, attack with Unit B, and then attack with Unit A.
The order in which units act does not matter. Likewise, not all units need to perform these steps.-
Movement Step
The player may move a unit 1 space.
Green moves Seliph to space B–2.Movement Types
Units may move to any open space shown on their card, relative to their current position. A unit may not move to a space if that space is already occupied, if there is a land card that prohibits that unit to move to it, or if the space is out of bounds.
Cavalry and Flying units may move diagonally, even if the surrounding spaces are blocked. For example, if the spaces directly north and east are blocked, the unit may still move northeast. -
Action Step
A unit may perform any allowed actions, such as healing, combat, or any abilities described on the unit card.
Because there are no units in Seliph's attack range, there are no actions that Seliph can take. Nothing happens. -
Standby Mode Step
Seliph is now moved into Standby Mode. Seliph's card is turned sideways as a visual aid.
End Phase
At this point, Green declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Blue's turn.The End Phase
The End Phase does not happen in any particular order, with the one caveat that the last two steps must be Discard and the End of the Turn.
If at the end of the turn either player has more than 7 cards in their hand, then they must discard until there are 7 cards.
During the End of Turn step, the player declares that the turn is ended. If you are playing with a turn marker, it would now be passed to the next player.
Turn 1: Blue
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
Since there is nothing in Blue's Used Chip pile, nothing happens.
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue spends 5 unused chips to sortie Ayra onto space D–1.
(Energy: 4, Unused: 11, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Since all of Blue's units are at maximum Energy, nothing happens.
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue decides not to equip anything.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
Since there is nothing in Green's Used Chip pile, nothing happens.
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green spends 4 unused chips to sortie Erin onto space A–1.
(Energy: 4, Unused: 11, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Since all of Green's units are at maximum Energy, nothing happens.
Land Step
Green decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Green decides not to equip anything.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
Since none of Blue's units are in Standby Mode, nothing happens.
Invasion: Eldigan
Movement Step
Blue moves Eldigan to space B–3.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
During the Declaration of Action, the player announces that an action will be taken, and the units that will be involved in the action.
Blue declares that Eldigan will enter combat.
Units may target any square within the range shown on their unit card or an equipped weapon card.
The attacking unit must use its own Energy in order to attack. Likewise, the defending unit will take damage in the form of Energy. -
Declaration of Attack
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack Seliph.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Equipment Selection
A unit may choose to attack using either their initially equipped weapon or a weapon that has been equipped during the Item step. If no weapon has been equipped, then the unit may only attack with their initial equip.
Defender Equipment Selection
Green declares that Seliph will defend using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything.Attack Preparation
At this point, either player may choose to play any Surprise cards that can be played during combat. If any of the units' weapons have any special abilities, those may be activated now as well.
At this point, the total damage is calculated and any required Energy will be removed.
Eldigan's Steel Sword has an attack of 3. Since Seliph starts out with 5 Energy, the Energy he has remaining after Eldigan's attack is 5 − 3 = 2.
Eldigan: (Energy: 2, Unused: 11, Used: 3)
Seliph: (Energy: 2, Unused: 11, Used: 3) -
Declaration of Counterattack
Green declares that Seliph will counterattack.
Counterattacking does not require any Energy to be used. However, a unit cannot counterattack if the attacker is out of range. The Weapon Triangle applies during counterattacks.
Units are not required to counterattack. It is up to the player whether or not a unit will counter.
Defender Equipment Selection
Seliph will counterattack using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Counterattack Equipment
Counterattacking must be done using the equipment selected earlier during the Attacker Equipment Selection. The only exception is if the weapon must be discarded after use. In that case, the defender may switch to their initial equipment.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Eldigan will receive the counterattack with his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Counterattack Equipment
The attacking unit must receive the counterattack using whatever equipment they attacked with. The only exception is if the weapon must be discarded after use. In that case, the defender may switch to their initial equipment.
Counterattack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue does not do anything.Counterattack Preparation
Like with attacking, at this point the players may play Surprise cards or activate any weapon abilities.
Seliph deals 1 damage to Eldigan.
Eldigan: (Energy: 1, Unused: 11, Used: 4)
Seliph: (Energy: 2, Unused: 11, Used: 3)
Standby Mode Step
Eldigan is now moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Ayra
Movement Step
Blue moves Ayra to space A–1.
Action Step
Because there are no targets within Ayra's attack range, nothing happens.
Standby Mode Step
Ayra is now moved into Standby Mode.
End Phase
At this point, Blue declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Green's turn.
Turn 2: Green
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Green's Used Chip pile are moved into the Unused Chip pile.
(Unused: 14, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green spends 4 unused chips to sortie Azel on space A–2.
(Energy: 4, Unused: 10, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Green restores Seliph's Energy by 3.
(Energy: 5, Unused: 7, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Green decides not to play any Land cards.
Item Step
Green spends 1 chip to equip Azel with Fire.
(Energy: 4, Unused: 6, Used: 1)Playing Magic Cards
Magic cards must be played with the full displayed cost. The chips are moved directly from the Used Chip pile to the Unused Chip pile.
A magic card can only be played on a unit with the corresponding weapon rank. Magic cards have a yellow background, and are either Fire, Thunder, Wind, Light, Dark, or Staves.
Unlike weapon cards, magic cards cannot increase the Energy of the unit they are equipped to. However, attacking using a magic card requires no Energy consumption.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Green's Used Chip pile are moved into the Unused Chip pile.
(Unused: 15, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue decides not to sortie any units.
Support Step
Blue restores Eldigan's Energy by 3.
(Energy: 4, Unused: 12, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue plays Drained Tome on Azel's Fire Tome, reducing its attack to 0.
(Unused: 10, Used: 2)Surprise Cards
Surprise cards can produce a variety of effects, and are meant to simulate the random elements of the Fire Emblem games.
Surprise cards are played using the full cost listed on the card. Each card can be used at a specific point in time, listed on the card. While many cards can be played at all times, there are cards that can only be used in battle or cards that can only be played during a specific phase or step. For example, Drained Tome may only be played during the Item Step.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
All of Green's units are returned to Action Mode from Standby Mode.
Invasion: Erin
Movement Step
Green moves Erin to space B–2.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Green declares that Erin will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Erin will attack Ayra.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Erin will attack using her initial equipment (Iron Lance).
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Ayra will defend using her initial equipment (Iron Blade).
Attack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue does not do anything. -
Erin's Iron Lance has an attack of 1. However, because Erin is wielding a Lance and Ayra is wielding a sword, Erin gains a Weapon Triangle bonus of +1.
Since Ayra started out with 4 Energy, the Energy she has remaining after Erin's attack is 4 − (1 + 1) = 2.
Erin: (Energy: 3, Unused: 6, Used: 2)
Ayra: (Energy: 2, Unused: 10, Used: 4)The Weapon Triangle
When two units fight using different weapon types, the Weapon Triangle comes into play. The Weapon Triangle is a rock-paper-scissors type relationship between weapons. In the Fire Emblem TCG, the Weapon Triangle adds +1 damage to units on the winning side of the triangle. There are no penalties for being on the losing side of the triangle — taking more damage is penalty enough.
Declaration of Counterattack
Blue declares that Ayra will counterattack.
Defender Equipment Selection
Ayra will counterattack with her initial equipment (Iron Blade).
Attacker Equipment Selection
Erin will receive the counterattack with her initial equipment (Iron Lance).
Counterattack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green spends 2 chips to play Pursuit, allowing Erin to attack after receiving Ayra's counterattack.Green: (Unused: 4, Used: 5)
Certain units have skills that can be activated during combat. These skills may only be activated by playing a Surprise card, and are listed on the unit's card.
Ayra's Iron Blade counters for 1 damage.
Erin: (Energy: 2, Unused: 4, Used: 6)
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Erin will attack Ayra using Pursuit.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Erin will attack with her initial equipment (Iron Lance).
A unit with Pursuit can attack again after receiving an enemy attack. This works both when the unit with Pursuit starts the battle and when the unit with Pursuit is attacked — in the latter case, the unit can attack twice in a row. However, Pursuit can only be used if the unit has more Energy than the opponent and has enough Energy to attack again.
When attacking using Pursuit, the units must use the weapons chosen in the first part of battle. It is essentially a counterattack to the enemy's counterattack.
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Ayra will receive the attack with her initial equipment (Iron Blade).
Erin's Iron Lance can deal 1 damage. With the Weapon Triangle advantage, Erin deals 1 + 1 = 2 damage. Since Ayra currently has 2 Energy, her remaining Energy is 2 − 2 = 0.
Because Ayra is out of Energy, she is removed from the field.
Ayra: (Energy: 0, Unused: 10, Used: 6)
Defeating Units
When a unit runs out of Energy, they are removed from play and moved to the Discard Pile. Any weapons or items they have equipped are also removed.
Victory Condition: Rout
If at any point a player has no units on the field, then the game is over and that player has lost.
The only exception is the first turn, when no units have yet been sortied. If a player does not have any unit cards in their hand at the beginning of the game, then they cannot lose due to this condition. However, when they do draw a unit card, they must then play it at the earliest possible time, as this condition will have been set into effect.
We trust that players will be honest about the contents of their hand.
Standby Mode Step
Erin is now moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Azel
Movement Step
Green decides not to move Azel.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Green declares that Azel will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Azel will attack Eldigan.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Azel will attack using his initial equipment (Fire).
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will receive the attack with his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue does not do anything. -
Azel's Fire deals 1 damage when attacking. Since Fire and Swords are neutral to each other, no extra damage is dealt.
Since Eldigan currently has 4 Energy, his remaining Energy is 4 − 1 = 3.
Azel: (Energy: 3, Unused: 4, Used: 7)
Eldigan: (Energy: 3, Unused: 10, Used: 7)The Trinity of Magic
Much like how melee weapons have the Weapon Triangle, magic tomes have a rock-paper-scissors relationship with each other called the Trinity of Magic.
The Trinity of Magic only concerns itself with Fire, Thunder, and Wind magic. Light, Dark, and Staves are independent of the Trinity.
Declaration of Counterattack
Because Eldigan cannot target Azel, Eldigan cannot counterattack.
Standby Mode Step
Azel is now moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Seliph
Movement Step
Green decides not to move Seliph.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Green declares that Seliph will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Seliph will attack Eldigan.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Seliph will attack using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will defend with his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue spends 1 chip to play Renewal Brace on Eldigan, allowing him to replenish Eldigan's Energy using 1 unused chip.
Green does not do anything in response.Eldigan: (Energy: 4, Unused: 8, Used: 8)
Seliph's Steel Sword deals 3 damage when attacking. Since both combatants are wielding Swords, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play.
Since Eldigan currently has 4 Energy, his remaining Energy is 4 − 3 = 1.
Seliph: (Energy: 2, Unused: 4, Used: 10)
Eldigan: (Energy: 1, Unused: 8, Used: 11) -
Declaration of Counterattack
Blue declares that Eldigan will counterattack.
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will counterattack with his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Seliph will receive the counterattack with his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Counterattack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Eldigan's Steel Sword deals 2 damage when counterattacking. Since both combatants are wielding swords, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play.
Since Seliph currently has 2 Energy, his remaining Energy is 2 − 2 = 0.
Because Seliph is out of Energy, he is removed from the field.
Seliph: (Energy: 0, Unused: 4, Used: 12)
Because Seliph was a Lord, upon his defeat Green makes a Full Retreat.
Erin retreats to space A–1.
Azel cannot retreat, and so he is removed from play.Full Retreat
Any unit with the Seize ability is a Lord. When a Lord is defeated in battle, all of his allies must make a Full Retreat.
Each allied unit must move 1 space towards their Home Row. If the unit cannot retreat for any reason (such as already being in the Home Row or being blocked by terrain or an enemy unit), then that unit is removed from the field. If two units in the same column are retreating, they both stay — they are considered to be retreating at the same time, and do not interfere with each other.
End Phase
At this point, Green declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Blue's turn.
Turn 2: Blue
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Blue's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 19, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue spends 3 chips to sortie Jamke on D–1.
Jamke: (Energy: 3, Unused: 16, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Blue restores Eldigan's Energy by 3.
Eldigan: (Energy: 4, Unused: 13, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue spends 1 chip to equip Eldigan with a Brave Sword.
Eldigan: (Energy: 5, Unused: 12, Used: 0)Playing Weapon Cards
Unlike magic cards, weapon cards can be played at less than the cost shown on the card. Instead, the number on the card is the maximum number of chips you can spend to equip the weapon. Whatever cost you pay is added to the unit's Energy — however, this amount cannot exceed the unit's maximum Energy. Also, at least one chip must be played in order to equip the weapon.
A weapon card can only be played on a unit with the corresponding weapon rank. Weapon cards have a gray background, and are either Swords, Axes, Lances, Bows, or Ballistae.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Green's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 19, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green spends 3 chips to sortie Armored Lance on space A–2.
Armored Lance: (Energy: 3, Unused: 13, Used: 0)Generic Units
Generic units are units with no special name — they are named after their class. In general, generic units have less health than units with names.
However, there is an important factor to consider when sortieing a unit: a unit cannot be deployed if there already exists on the field another unit with the same name. For example, neither Green nor Blue can sortie another Erin, since she is already on the field. This restriction does not apply to generic units.
Units with the same name but different genders are considered unique for the purposes of this rule.
Support Step
Green restores Erin's Energy by 3.
Erin: (Energy: 4, Unused: 13, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Green decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Green spends 1 chip to equip Armored Lance with a Horseslayer.
Armored Lance: (Energy: 4, Unused: 12, Used: 0)Effective Weapons
Some weapons deal more damage to units of a certain type. For example, the Horseslayer deals extra damage to Cavalry.
This damage is treated differently than the Weapon Triangle. In fact, this bonus damage can be applied in addition to Weapon Triangle bonuses! However, this damage does not take into account multiple attacks performed — the bonus damage is applied after multiple attacks are considered. This brings us the full equation for damage: (Attack + WTA) × Number of Attacks + Additional Effects.
Additional Effects do not only come from effective damage — unless an effect directly states that it affects base damage, any additional damage applied by a surprise card or a weapon's effect is considered to be Additional Effects.
However, Additional Effects can only be applied if the attack would have dealt damage without the effects. If (Attack + WTA) × Number of Attacks is 0 or less, then the Additional Effects are not applied. For example, if a unit with a Broken Sword tried to attack an opponent and did not have the Weapon Triangle advantage, then no additional effects would come into play, even if they boosted his damage.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
All of Blue's units are returned to Action Mode from Standby Mode.
Invasion: Jamke
Movement Step
Blue moves Jamke to space C–1.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Blue declares that Jamke will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Blue declares that Jamke will attack Erin. -
Attacker Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Jamke will attack using his initial equipment (Iron Bow).
Defender Equipment Selection
Green declares that Erin will defend using her initial equipment (Iron Lance).
Attack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Jamke's Iron Bow deals 2 damage when attacking. However, since Bows are effective against Flying units, Jamke gains a Weapon Triangle bonus of +1.
Since Erin started out with 4 Energy, her remaining Energy is 4 − (2 + 1) = 1.
Jamke: (Energy: 1, Unused: 12, Used: 2)
Erin: (Energy: 1: Unused: 12, Used: 3)Bows and Flying Units
In the Fire Emblem games, bows have traditionally dealt additional damage to flying units. This is represented in the Fire Emblem TCG as another facet of the Weapon Triangle.
While this isn't technically a triangle, for the purposes of damage calculation it is treated as part of the Weapon Triangle.
Declaration of Counterattack
Because Erin cannot target Jamke, Erin cannot counterattack.
Standby Mode Step
Jamke is now moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Eldigan
Movement Step
Blue moves Eldigan to space B–1.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Blue declares that Eldigan will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack Erin.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack using his equipped Brave Sword.
Defender Equipment Selection
Green declares that Erin will defend using her initial equipment (Iron Lance).
Attack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Eldigan's Brave Sword deals 1 damage when attacking. Because Swords lose to Lances, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play. Eldigan's Brave Sword lets him attack twice before Erin can counter.
Since Erin currently has 1 Energy, her remaining Energy is 1 − (1 × 2) = −1 → 0.
Because Erin is out of Energy, she is removed from the field.
Eldigan: (Energy: 3, Unused: 12, Used: 4)
Erin: (Energy: 0, Unused: 12, Used: 4)Brave Weapons
Brave weapons allow the wielder to attack twice for each attack opportunity. If a unit with a brave weapon uses Pursuit, then they can feasibly attack up to 4 times — if they have enough Energy. Each attack uses Energy, just like with any other weapon.
Whenever a unit attacks using a brave weapon, they always attack twice — even if the first attack would have killed. Both attacks are considered before the Energy is depleted. In essence, the damage is dealt in a lump sum, equivalent to (Attack + Weapon Triangle Advantage) × Number of Attacks.
Standby Mode Step
Eldigan is now moved into Standby Mode.
End Phase
At this point, Blue declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Green's turn.
Turn 3: Green
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Green's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 16, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green spends 5 chips to sortie Kinbaith on space A–3.
Kinbaith: (Energy: 5, Unused: 11, Used: 0) -
Support Step
Since all of Green's units are at maximum Energy, nothing happens.
Land Step
Green spends 2 chips to place a Sea on space A–1.
(Unused: 9, Used: 2)Playing Land Cards
Land cards may be placed anywhere between your Home Row and your furthest advanced unit. Land cards cannot be placed on top of enemy units or on top of a unit that cannot occupy that land. Each land affects any unit that is occupying its space, regardless of allegiance.
A land card may be replaced only by the player who placed it down. However, a land card can only be removed by units with the Land Destruction ability or by the effects of Surprise cards.
Item Step
Green decides not to equip anything.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Blue's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 16, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue decides not to sortie any units.
Support Step
Blue restores Jamke's Energy by 2.
Blue restores Eldigan's Energy by 1.Jamke: (Energy: 3, Unused: 14, Used: 0)
Eldigan: (Energy: 4, Unused: 13, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue decides not to equip anything.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
Because none of Green's units are in Standby Mode, nothing happens.
Invasion: Armored Lance
Movement Step
Green decides not to move Armored Lance.
Action Step
Because there are no units in Armored Lance's attack range, there are no actions he can take. Nothing happens.
Standby Mode Step
Armored Lance is moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Kinbaith
Movement Step
Green moves Kinbaith to space B–3.
Action Step
Because there are no units in Kinbaith's attack range, there are no actions he can take. Nothing happens.
Standby Mode Step
Kinbaith is now moved into Standby Mode.
End Phase
At this point, Green declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Blue's turn.
Turn 3: Blue
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
Since there are no chips in Blue's used chip pile, nothing happens.
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue decides not to sortie any units.
Support Step
Blue restores Eldigan's Energy by 1.
Eldigan: (Energy: 5, Unused: 12, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue decides not to equip anything.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
Because there are no chips in Green's used chip pile, nothing happens.
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green spends 3 chips to sortie Archer on space A–3.
Archer: (Energy: 3, Used: 8, Unused: 0) -
Support Step
Since all of Green's units are at maximum Energy, nothing happens.
Land Step
Green decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Green decides not to equip anything.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
All of Blue's units are returned to Action Mode from Standby Mode.
Invasion: Jamke
Movement Step
Blue moves Jamke to space C–2.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Blue declares that Jamke will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Blue declares that Jamke will attack Armored Lance.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Jamke will attack using his initial equipment (Iron Bow).
Defender Equipment Selection
Green declares that Armored Lance will defend with his initial equipment (Iron Lance).
Attack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Jamke's Iron Bow deals 2 damage. Because Bows and Lances are neutral to each other, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play.
Since Armored Lance started out with 4 Energy, his remaining Energy is 4 − 2 = 2.
Jamke: (Energy: 1, Unused: 12, Used: 2)
Armored Lance: (Energy: 2, Unused: 8, Used: 2)
Standby Mode Step
Jamke is now moved into Standby Mode.
Invasion: Eldigan
Movement Step
Blue moves Eldigan to space B–2.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Blue declares that Eldigan will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack Armored Lance.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will attack using his equipped Brave Sword.
Defender Equipment Selection
Green declares that Armored Lance will defend with his equipped Horseslayer.
Attack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Eldigan's Brave Sword deals 1 damage when attacking. Because Swords lose to Lances, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play. Eldigan's Brave Sword lets him attack twice before Armored Lance can counter.
Since Armored Lance currently has 2 Energy, his remaining Energy is 2 − (1 × 2) = 0.
Because Armored Lance is out of Energy, he is removed from the field.
Eldigan: (Energy: 3, Unused: 12, Used: 4)
Armored Lance: (Energy: 0, Unused: 8, Used: 4)
Standby Mode Step
Eldigan uses 1 Energy to activate Canto, moving to space A–2.
Eldigan: (Energy: 2, Unused: 12, Used: 5)Eldigan is now moved into Standby Mode.
Certain units have abilities that can be activated under certain conditions. These abilities are usually activated at an Energy cost.
All Cavalry and Flying units have the Canto ability. This ability allows them to move again after performing an action, at the cost of 1 Energy.
Naturally, a unit can only use Canto if it has more than 1 Energy.
Victory Condition: Seize
If a Lord (a unit with the Seize ability) advances to the enemy's Home Row, then that unit's player wins the game. However, this rule does not apply if the Lord moves into the enemy's Home Row using Canto. The Lord must advance during the Movement Step.
End Phase
At this point, Blue declares that his turn has ended.
Gameplay now proceeds to Green's turn.
Turn 4: Green
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Green's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 12, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Green draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Green decides not to sortie any units.
Support Step
Since all of Green's units are at maximum Energy, nothing happens.
Land Step
Green decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Green decides not to equip anything.
National Power Phase
Chip Restoration Step
All of the chips in Blue's Used Chips pile are moved to the Unused Chips pile.
(Unused: 17, Used: 0) -
Draw Step
Blue draws 1 card from his deck and adds it to his hand.
Unit Step
Blue decides not to sortie any units.
Support Step
Blue restores Eldigan's Energy by 3.
Eldigan: (Energy: 5, Unused: 14, Used: 0) -
Land Step
Blue decides not to play any land cards.
Item Step
Blue decides not to equip anything.
Invasion Phase
Action Mode Step
All of Green's units are returned to Action Mode from Standby Mode.
Invasion: Kinbaith
Movement Step
Green moves Kinbaith to space B–2.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Green declares that Kinbaith will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Kinbaith will attack Eldigan.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Kinbaith will attack using his initial equipment (Steel Axe).
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will defend using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue does not do anything. -
Kinbaith's Steel Axe deals 4 damage when attacking. Because Axes lose to Swords, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play.
Since Eldigan started out with 5 Energy, his remaining Energy is 5 − 4 = 1.
Kinbaith: (Energy: 1, Unused: 12, Used: 4)
Eldigan: (Energy: 1, Unused: 12, Used: 4) -
Declaration of Counterattack
Blue declares that Eldigan will counterattack.
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will counterattack using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Kinbaith will receive the counterattack with his initial equipment (Steel Axe).
Counterattack Preparation
Blue does not do anything.
Green does not do anything. -
Eldigan's Steel Sword deals 2 damage when counterattacking. Because Swords beat Axes, Eldigan gains a Weapon Triangle bonus of +1.
Since Kinbaith started out with 1 Energy, his remaining Energy is 1 − (2 + 1) = −2 → 0.
Because Kinbaith is out of Energy, he is removed from the field.
Eldigan: (Energy: 1, Unused: 14, Used: 4)
Kinbaith: (Energy: 0, Unused: 12, Used: 5)
Invasion: Archer
Movement Step
Green moves Archer to space B–3.
Action Step
Declaration of Action
Green declares that Archer will enter combat.
Declaration of Attack
Green declares that Archer will attack Eldigan.
Attacker Equipment Selection
Green declares that Archer will attack using his initial equipment (Iron Bow).
Defender Equipment Selection
Blue declares that Eldigan will defend using his initial equipment (Steel Sword).
Attack Preparation
Green does not do anything.
Blue spends 1 chip to play Shield Ring on Eldigan, lowering the received damage by 1.
Green responds by spending 1 chip to play Power Ring on Archer, increasing the dealt damage by 1.
Blue responds by spending 1 chip to play Nullify, negating the effects of Green's Power Ring.
Green does not do anything in response.Blue: (Unused: 14, Used: 6)
Green: (Unused: 11, Used: 7) -
Archer's Iron Bow deals 1 damage when attacking. Because Bows and Swords are neutral to each other, the Weapon Triangle does not come into play.
Eldigan's Shield Ring adds an Additional Effect of −1 damage. Green's Power Ring was negated by Blue's Nullify, and plays no effect.
Since Eldigan started out with 1 Energy, his remaining Energy is 1 − (1 − 1) = 1.
Archer: (Energy: 2, Unused: 11, Used: 7)
Eldigan: (Energy: 1, Unused: 14, Used: 6)
Standby Mode Step
Archer is now moved into Standby Mode.
End Phase
Because Eldigan is still in Green's Home Row after the end of Green's turn, Green loses.
Blue is declared the winner.
Victory Condition: Occupation
If one of your units enters the opponent's Home Row and remains there until the end of the opponent's turn, then you win.
Similarly, if at any point two or more of your units occupy the opponent's Home Row, you win.